GPS Prayer Agenda

GPS 2023 Prayer Session Three

Created: Saturday, 25 November 2023 22:29
Hits: 538

Prophetic Intercession 

 "Prophetic intercession is something said or done in the natural which impacts the spiritual and produces the will of God in the natural. It releases the divine energy of God to change IMPOSSIBLE situations. It prepares the way for God to do something."  


Welcome to Prayer Session Three, a focused time of prayer centered on Rev. Mary Glazier's GPS 2023 message titled "Prophetic Intercession." We are delighted to invite you to join us during this prayer session to intercede for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church, bringing healing and transformation to the nations. As you pray along with us regarding the following requests, kindly consider sharing the prayer agenda produced by Rev. Glazier with others and inviting them to join you in prayer. Thank you. 


Click Here to watch the video.

Let us begin our time of prayer with a time of Praise to the Lord:                                                            

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. 

Praise Him for our redemption through his blood and forgiveness of sins.

Praise Hime for the riches of His grace He freely bestows on us through Christ.


Next, let us affirm our position in Christ to enable us to engage in Spiritual warfare based on Paul's instructions in Ephesians 6: 13 - 17 to put on the Armor of God:  

Acknowledge our full authority and dominion purchased for us through Jesus (Heb. 2:7-8). Therefore, boldly declare that we have the authority to enforce the rule of Christ in every area (home, church, business, city, nation).  Being fully clothed in His armor, we are not afraid to address demonic strongholds, principalities, powers, and wickedness in high places. 


Next, let us intercede for a New Outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Body of Christ, resulting in a manifestation of His gifts for the transformation of nations: 

PROPHECY: 1 TIMothy 1:18

Using God's powerful weapon of prophecy, we declare and decree the full power of prophetic words to transform our nations.

Make bold declarations of the words spoken over your nation.

Cast down and render impotent every curse, chant, incantation, word spoken by the enemy.

TONGUES & INTERPRETATION: 1 Corinthians 14:5_

Decree that a fresh anointing for tongues and interpretation to come forth.

Bind unbelief and release faith

Pray for a mighty baptism of the Holy Ghost and FIRE!


Intercede for Spiritual Renewal and Growth in the Church Worldwide based on Ephesians  6:14 

Decree renewed faith in the infallible word of God.

Decree a boldness to believe God's word that applies to you individually and corporately. 

Recognizing the multiplied power of unity, boldly come against division, hatred, bitterness, strife, personal agendas, and partisanship. 

Command forgiveness where there is unforgiveness. 

Bind separation, isolation, and orphan spirit.

Finally, ask our wonderful heavenly Father to release His Agape love upon us without measure that we might be changed into one new soul.

 (The prayer agenda is produced by Rev. Mary Glazier)


Global Prayer Summit 2023 Participants' Survey

If you participated in GPS 2023, thank you again for joining us for this significant global prayer event.  Please take a few minutes to fill out a short survey so we can better serve you next year. We believe GPS 2024 is going to be even bigger and better, and your feedback is vital.

Click here now to complete the short survey.  


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