Monthly Prayer Agenda

September 2018 Prayer Agenda

Created: Thursday, 06 September 2018 13:57
Hits: 17536

Welcome to the September 2018 Global Prayer Agenda featuring major concerns affecting the nations of our world, and the growth of Christ's church universally for the advancement of world evangelism and the establishment of God's Kingdom.  This agenda was specially prepared for use during the Monthly Global Prayer Teleconference sessions by a few members of the team of leaders facilitating these monthly global prayer calls.  The agenda is structured into three main categories for the convenience of our users.  As you join us in prayer about these various issues, during this month, we trust that you will find the experience spiritually rewarding.  We also extend a special invitation to join us for our next Monthly Global Prayer Teleconference.

Category One

North and South America, the Caribbean, and Europe

Scripture Reading: Ps 145: 1 – 11.

Revival in the United States of America

Prayer For Pastors  Across America

The family and congregation of California Megachurch Pastor Andrew Stoecklein, who committed suicide during last week.

Pastor Andrew Stoecklein, 30, took his own life last weekend after an open battle with depression and anxiety. Stoecklein, who leaves behind his wife, Kayla, and three sons, took his life approximately two weeks after he returned to work at Inland Hills Church as lead pastor. He had been away on an involuntary four-months-long break to deal with depression and anxiety.

Pastors across America that are leaving the ministry in droves.

Top 2 Causes for Pastors Leaving Ministry and More Statistics

More than 70% of pastors do not have a close friend with whom they can openly share their struggles. The dominant cause for pastors to leave the pastoral ministry is burnout. Number two is a moral failure. These are alarming statistics. And there are many more:

  • 80% of pastors believe the pastoral ministry has negatively affected their families (Life Enrichment Ministries – 1998)
  • Only 50% of pastors felt that the education they received adequately prepared them for ministry. Most pastors rely on books and conferences as their primary source of continuing education. (George Barna – 2002)
  • 25% of all pastors don’t know where to go for help if they have a personal or family conflict or concern. 33%  have no established means for resolving conflicts. (George Barna – 2002)
  • 40% have no opportunity for outside renewal like a family vacation or continuing education. There is a very clear relationship between the amount of time a pastor takes for personal renewal and his satisfaction in his job. (George Barna – 2002)
  • At any given time, 75% of pastors in America want to quit. (Church Resource Ministries – 1998)
  • More than 2000 pastors are leaving the ministry each month. (Marble Retreat Center 2001)  (Source:


  1. For the family and congregation of California Megachurch Pastor Andrew Stoecklein who committed suicide as they seek to come to terms with this tragedy.
  2. For pastors across America experiencing loneliness, the burning out effect, other challenges of the pastoral ministry that impact negatively on their families or considering quitting the ministry as a result of discouragement to turn to the Lord, the only Rock of our Salvation for spiritual comfort, assurance, and strength. Indeed, all other grounds or bais of faith or worship are sinking sand.
  3. For all pastors facing all types of moral failure that continue to undermine the credible witness of the church as salt and light of this nation, to turn to the Lord in prayer and repentance to help to facilitate revival in the church for the spiritual healing and transformation of the nation so urgently needed at this time.
  4. For those institutions and agencies that provide all types of spiritual support to pastors, including seminaries, denominations and the local church to do a more effective job of training, mentoring and caring for the spiritual, emotional, social and family needs of the pastors they serve.  

 The Government, Upcoming Mid-term Elections, and Appointment of New US Supreme Court Justice

 1 Timothy 2: 1 -6

 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Savior, four who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, six who gave himself as a ransom for all people.”


As we pray for the US Government, the upcoming Mid-term elections and the new Supreme Court Appointment, let us do so with Paul’s instructions in 1 Tim. 2: 1- 6.   

  1. For President Donald Trump and his Cabinet, All Members Congress, the Judiciary, State Governors and other State Legislators and Mayors, across America for wisdom to govern the nation in equity and fear of God.  Pray also that God’s divine intervention in the affairs of the nation’s Government will result in the healing of our deeply divided nation, and in the advancement of the moral, social and economic well being of the nation for general the benefit of all Americans and the advancement of His kingdom locally and internationally.
  2. For all candidates seeking offices in the upcoming mid-term elections and also for God’s will to be done in the appointment of persons to these offices, who are honest, God-fearing and committed to serving the nation in pursuit of justice and equity for all regardless of their political allegiances.
  3. For, God’s will to be done in the appointment of the next Supreme Court Justice, a person that not only knows the law and can apply it but one who will do so in fear of God and through the admonition of the Word of God.                                

 Children Across America

 Some teachers and schools have utilized a program called “Drag Queen Story Hour” to teach children about gender identity.

Videographer Sean Fitzgerald and the David Horowitz Freedom Center released a video explaining the program and highlighting testimonials on the program’s website from teachers in public schools. Fitzgerald drew attention to this issue, not because of the existence of the program, but because public schools have used it to teach children about gender issues at a tender age.

On its website, the Drag Queen Story Hour describes itself as, “drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.”

The New York Times described one of the events, hosted by a branch of the New York Public Library, in 2017.  A six-foot-tall performer named “Harmonica Sunbeam,“ wearing a neon camouflage bodysuit and a purple tutu read to the children. She read “from ‘Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress’ by Christine Baldacchino. The book is about a boy who wore a beloved dress to school every day. At one point, Morris’s friends inform him that he isn’t allowed to play on their imaginary spaceship, because ‘astronauts can’t wear dresses.’”

Fitzgerald pointed to the program’s “About” page, which contains testimonials from teachers and librarians who have hosted an event. Alexis Hernandez, a first-grade teacher at a public school in Brooklyn, lauded the program and its effect on the children in her class.

Her recommendation says, “What an amazing way to teach about individuality, empathy, and acceptance! Drag Queen Story Hour gave my first graders a fun and interactive platform to talk and think about social and emotional issues like acceptance, being yourself, and loving who you are…During our debrief after DQSH, they were preaching the incredible lessons they had learned like ‘It’s ok to be different,’ and ‘There’s no such thing as ‘boy’ things and ‘girl’ things.” She added that she looks forward to hosting another event next year.

Fitzgerald noted his issue with the story hour taking place in public schools, saying, “The taxpayer is funding adult-themed performers to come and read to our smallish children in order to indoctrinate them into a political ideology about gender while, at the same time, school districts across the country are removing any references to biological sex from science textbooks.”

The Drag Queen Story Hour was founded in 2014 and now has chapters in twenty states and the United Kingdom


  1. Father God, we pray over the innocence of our children. We rebuke the spirit of perversion and decree natural affections over all our children.
  2. We repent that our public education system not only allows but champions programs like Drag Queen Story Hour. We pray you grant them and the LGBTQ community a spirit of revelation and repentance.
  3. We pray over the minds of those children already exposed and decree that they shall know the truth and the truth shall set them free.

South America and The Caribbean

PRAYER ALERT: Venezuela nears refugee crisis point, says UN

Wed. August 29. On Saturday the UN’s immigration agency warned that the Venezuelan refugee crisis was becoming as demanding to South America as the 2015 refugee crisis was to Europe. In that year about a million immigrants entered Europe from mostly Muslim-dominated nations in the Middle East and Africa. Some European nations reacted by tightening their borders and restricting admission.  

Likewise, some South American nations are seeking to restrict the huge waves of immigration from Venezuela. For example, in the past 12 months, 400,000 Venezuelan refugees have entered Peru. On Friday Peru announced that immigrants now must show a passport, and not just an ID, to cross its border. Similarly, last week Ecuador made a new law requiring that Venezuelans must carry valid passports. However, on Friday, an Ecuadorean judge found that the law broke regional accords on freedom of movement.

Earlier this month, the Brazilian state of Roraima attempted to close its border with Venezuela. But a Brazilian judge ruled the effort illegal. A few weeks later, residents of the Roraima border city of Pacaraima attacked a camp of Venezuelan immigrants. Incensed by the robbery and severe beating of a local restaurant owner, they burned tents, bulldozed other dwellings, and chased about 1,200 back across the border. Now the Brazilian army is going to the border to “guarantee law and order”, according to Brazil’s president Michel Temer.


Since 2014 about 4 million refugees have fled from Venezuela’s rapidly worsening economic breakdown. This oil-rich country suddenly became poor when the price of oil plummeted. Dependent on oil exports for 96 percent of its revenue, Venezuela lacked funds to import the basic food and medicine it needed. As a result, hyperinflation has skyrocketed. Prices are doubling every 26 days on the average. Now almost 90% of Venezuelans live in poverty. Multitudes search for scraps of food in rubbish and bins.

Many have turned to crime to make money. In a recent Gallup study, 42% of Venezuelans report being robbed the previous year. Also, about 25% report being assaulted. Now Venezuela has the second highest murder rate in the world. No wonder so many Venezuelans want to leave. We must pray for a miraculous turn-around for this desperate country.


  1. Show the refugees and all Venezuelans that Jesus, and not the failed socialist government, is Lord of all.
  2. Help them learn how to depend on Him for mercy and provision in this time of great need.
  3. Set the course for a transition from state control to a more limited government. And establish authorities who will encourage healthy freedom of expression and enterprise, and punish evil.
  4. Make known His plans to prosper Venezuela and not to harm it, but to give it hope and a future.
  5. Direct the refugees as to whether to stay in foreign lands or to return home and help rebuild the nation.
  6. Reveal God-given resources other than oil. And reward the good and faithful stewards of those resources.

Related sources:

Venezuelan Migrants Could Create Refugee Crisis Across South America.

Venezuela migration nears 'Mediterranean crisis point'.

Brazilian border town residents drive out Venezuelan immigrants.

Venezuela crisis: Brazil to send army to safeguard border.

Venezuela’s economy collapses: All your questions answered..


Revival across Europe


'Most radical organization': Neo-Nazi group seeks to gain ground in Nordic countries

by Karis Hustad • last updated: 25/08/2018 [adapted]

During a brisk Sunday last spring, three men dumped a pile of rubbish on the doorstep of an apartment complex in the northern Danish city of Aalborg. The target was Aalborg municipality environment and energy councilor Lasse P. N. Olsen, who lives in the building.

But it wasn’t an environmental protest. The men yelled anti-immigrant phrases and brandished the Nazi salute while dropping the trash, Olsen’s neighbors told him later. The note was signed “Den Nordiske Modstandsbevægelse”. In English: The Nordic Resistance Movement.

The incident signaled in Denmark the arrival of the neo-Nazi group that had, before then, been contained to its northern neighbors.

Similar heaps of rubbish also showed up the same day at the driveway of Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, Denmark’s minister for Environment and Food, as well as administrative buildings in several other municipalities.

What is the group?

The Nordic Resistance Movement, or NMR, is a neo-Nazi organization originally founded in Sweden that is openly anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant and anti-gay. Their goal is to create an ethnically pure pan-Nordic nation, according to the group’s website, and to deport most non-ethnic Northern European residents and dismantle the “global Zionist elite.”

NMR members don’t shy from confrontation, and members train in martial arts and knife attacks.

The group is directly connected to a string of incidents involving members violently confronting minority groups and those who disagree with their ideology. The group has its core membership in Sweden, where it was founded 21 years ago. But the group since established chapters in Finland in 2008 and Norway in 2011. Now, it appears they also plan to grow in Denmark.

The group is growing more visible across the Nordics: 300 members of the group marched in Turku, Finland, earlier this month, and another march will take place on Saturday in Stockholm.

The press has also been targeted. A member of the Swedish NMR was arrested this month after police said they found evidence that he was planning to kill two journalists.

In Expo’s most recent report, the NMR accounted for 94% of the activity in racist organizations in Sweden in 2017. Researchers from the University of Oslo Center for Extremism estimate the numbers at several hundred in Sweden, under a hundred in Finland, and a few dozens in Norway. But the group appears to be drawing new interest: Expo identified 111 new members in 2017, with 47 of those having no prior link to neo-Nazi groups. NMR has attracted members from the far-right fringe.

Resistance to the Nordic Resistance Movement

That isn’t to say that NMR’s growth has gone unchecked in the Nordics. NMR’s public rallies are routinely outnumbered by counter-protesters. In Finland, a court banned the group last November, though NMR is appealing.

Danes in various municipalities are taking down stickers and calling for community-level action against the spread of NMR’s message.

“I think we need to speak out about the threats from the extreme right even though it’s not a huge threat at the moment,” he said.”


  1. That the Lord will crush the spread of hate and violence across the Nordic countries.
  2. That the Lord will give the authorities wisdom to bring about peaceful resolution of the immigration issues affecting them
  3. That God will cause His people in the Nordic countries to rise up to fulfill their redemptive calling to all groups involved the conflicts surrounding the immigration issues.


Will Trump Sanctions Help Andrew Brunson More Than They Hurt Turkish Christians?

Religious freedom advocates consider if the need of the one outweighs the needs of the many.

JAYSON CASPER | AUGUST 16, 2018 [adapted]

Governments are supposed to take care of their citizens. For Andrew Brunson, an American detained in Turkey for almost two years, it may be his best hope. Charged with threatening national security because of alleged ties to terrorist groups, the pastor for two decades of an evangelical church in Izmir (biblical Symrna) faces 35 years in prison.

The day before, Turkey had moved the pastor from prison to house arrest shortly after Brunson’s daughter recounted his plight before the ministerial’s global audience. But his return to his Izmir home wasn’t enough. Less than a week later, on August 1 the US Treasury Department froze the assets of the Turkish ministers of interior and justice.

And while Turkey will now receive the support of Qatar (to the tune of $15 billion), the Trump administration threatened more sanctions during its Cabinet meeting today after a Turkish court rejected Brunson’s appeal of his house arrest.

On Thursday evening, the President tweeted, “They are now holding our wonderful Christian Pastor, who I must now ask to represent our Country as a great patriot hostage. We will pay nothing for the release of an innocent man, but we are cutting back on Turkey!”

But some analysts say high-level pressure may do more harm than good, for both Brunson and Turkey (and Europe).

“The response of the US is putting Turkish Christians in danger. People take it as a reason to attack us, and Christophobia is growing,” An anonymous Turkish evangelical in ministry for over a decade, said.

“Probably Brother Andrew will be released. But we’ll stay here and face all the effects after him.”

“I would love to see Pastor Andrew Brunson go home because I believe he is an innocent man,” said Akyol. “But I worry that this escalation may hurt his cause rather than help it.”

One Turkish Christian and human rights advocate—requesting anonymity as she works within Turkey—described the situation now as “a blunt show of power” between Trump and Erdoğan.

Turkey also holds a Muslim Turkish-American dual citizen, Serkan Golge. A NASA scientist, he has not received public support from the Trump administration. Some 20 other Americans have also been rounded up since the failed coup. “The singular focus on Brunson allows the Turkish press, among others, to promote the narrative that America only cares about American Christians, and not all its own citizens.

But even if the advocacy succeeds, greater damage may be done. “This pressure could hurt long-term efforts to build sustainable religious freedom in Turkey for all

Brunson was a respected figure in Turkey; he told CT.

“When I saw pastors imprisoned in Iran and other parts of the world, I would put it on Facebook and encourage people to pray,” Paul Martindale, lecturer in Islamic studies at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, told CTV. “But now I don’t know what to do. And I don’t want to do anything that would cause hurt.”


  1. For the continued strength, protection, health and eventual release of Pastor Brunson from imprisonment and persecution in Turkey.
  2. For the protection of other Christians in Turkey from reprisals and various forms of persecution;
  3. For wisdom to be given to both Christians and the USA authorities who are in support of Pastor Brunson – that they will not endanger other Christians nor the work of the Gospel in Turkey by their well-intentioned actions for the pastor’s release.


9 Evangelists Arrested in Spain for Causing Subway Panic, Shouting 'We Will All Burn in Hell'.

By Stoyan Zaimov |Christian Post Reporter | Aug 7, 2018 [adapted].

Nine evangelists from Germany were arrested Saturday in the Spanish city of Valencia after they allegedly caused panic on a subway train by shouting phrases like "we will all burn in Hell."

The La Vanguardia newspaper reported that the nine men, who are all German citizens, were taken to court on Sunday and left in custody with a set bail of roughly $13,900.

The Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community said that the nine men are being investigated for the crime of public disorder, as their speech led to a stampede in which a young woman was slightly injured.

Witnesses said the evangelists shouted phrases such as "we are sinners," "we are going to die" or "we will burn in Hell," and accused passengers of being "full of alcohol, drugs, and sin."

Police officers said that the nine Germans, all aged between 19 to 37, refused to leave the convoy at the request of security guards, after which they were arrested. It was not made clear to which specific church if any; the men belong to.

Despite the general decline in religious belief, there has been a rise in evangelical places of worship in Spain, which used to be a heavily Roman Catholic country. The Observatory of Religious Pluralism noted found that there are 4,045 evangelical places of worship throughout the country, which is the highest number reported since records have been kept.

The growth has come despite the continued economic crisis in Spain, and despite obstacles when it comes to obtaining construction permits that many congregations have faced.

In a separate story in June, Spanish television authorities fined U.K. Christian broadcasting channel Revelation TV and accused it of "homophobia" for airing the thoughts of an evangelical pastor who advised parents of children with gender identity issues to resist social engineering. Gordon Pettie, director of Revelation TV, insisted that the channel did nothing wrong in allowing the pastor to speak his views, however. "We believe the Bible is our basis and our world," Pettie added.


  1. That the Lord will stretch out His hand to break down and remove the barriers of intolerance to the preaching of the Gospel in Spain;
  2. That the Lord will raise up more and more evangelists to boldly and fearlessly preach the Gospel with grace, wisdom, and power;
  3. That a Biblical understanding of the Gospel will prevail and override the dominance of traditional and erroneous views as well as nominal Christianity in Spain.


Category 2

 Israel, the Middle East, and Africa

Psalm 66:1-9 NIV


Israel has arrested seven women who took part in a scheme to promote and aid the Hamas terror group in the West Bank city of Hebron, the Shin Bet security service said Tuesday. The women and two men also involved in the network were arrested over the last several weeks and have been accused of working in coordination with Hamas officials in Gaza as well as abroad to promote terror activity, the security service said in a statement.

The Shin Bet investigation found that the ring promoted Hamas activities in Hebron and recruited activists, coordinated with mosques and preachers, worked to increase support and were involved in propaganda and incitement, as well as providing support to families of jailed terrorists. A number of the activists were sent overseas to meetings with Hamas officials who were deported after being released from Israeli prison in 2011 in exchange for IDF soldier Gilad Shalit. They also traveled to Turkey to receive funds for terror, messages, and instructions, according to the Shin Bet.

The network also allegedly tried to take control of municipal services in the city and run charity organizations. According to Israel’s Hadashot news, the purpose was to lay the groundwork for Hamas gains in the West Bank after Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas dies or retires. Abbas’s Fatah faction is locked in a bitter battle with Hamas, and the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority has worked with Israel to crack down on Hamas activities in the West Bank. (Times of Israel Staff, 28 August 2018)


  1. Thank God for the arrest of seven women involved in aiding and promoting Hamas terror against Israel. Pray that God will continue to expose the plots that Israel’s enemies have against them.
  2. Pray for the peace, protection, and prosperity of Israel.
  3. Pray for missionaries and the Church to have increased success in evangelizing Israel.


CAIRO — Islamic State on Sunday claimed responsibility for an attack on an Egyptian police checkpoint in northern Sinai, the group's Amaq news agency reported, saying 15 soldiers were killed or wounded in what it described as an infiltration operation.

Egypt's state news agency MENA said on Saturday that security forces foiled an attack on a checkpoint west of the city of al-Arish and killed four militants while other fled. MENA did not refer to any casualties among security forces in the attack, but the privately owned al-Masri al-Youm newspaper reported that four policemen had died.

Egyptian troops, backed by police, have since February been conducting a major operation targeting Islamist militants behind a wave of attacks against security forces and civilians.

Hundreds of suspected militants have been killed or captured in operation. (Reuters, August 26, 2018)

Egypt says its security forces have killed at least 52 suspected militants in recent days in the restive northern Sinai Peninsula. The military said in a statement Sunday that another 49 suspected militants have been arrested. It says it destroyed 26 hideouts and weapons depots and dismantled 64 explosive devices.

The military says airstrikes destroyed 32 vehicles containing weapons and ammunition in the Western Desert and in the south. It wasn't possible to independently confirm the claims as access to the northern Sinai is heavily restricted. (Associated Press, August 05, 2018)

A suicide attack on a Coptic church in north Cairo, Egypt, was thwarted on Saturday, reports Coptic news site Watani. A man wearing a suicide vest detonated the bomb about 250 meters from the Church of the Holy Virgin in the Mostorod district. He was killed instantly, as was a member of the public, according to Watani. A policeman was also injured. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack.

According to Watani, the suicide bomber turned away from the entrance when he saw the security guards. The church's priest, Abdel-Massih Baseet, told Watani he was grateful that a catastrophe had been averted. The church attracts more visitors than usual between Aug. 7–21 due to its observation of the Fast of the Holy Virgin.

Egypt's Copts, who account for around 10 percent of the population, have experienced a wave of attacks by militants belonging to, or inspired by, the Islamic State group, which last year vowed to "wipe them out." (World Watch Monitor, Aug 14, 2018)


  1. Thank God that the Egyptian government is taking strong action against IS and Islamic militants in Egypt. Pray that the Egyptian government will successfully stamp out Islamic terrorist and militants from Egypt.
  2. Thank God that a suicide attack on a Coptic Church in Cairo was thwarted. Pray for the family of the person killed in the averted suicide attack.
  3. Pray for the protection and safety of the Church in Egypt.
  4. Pray for the strengthening and growth of the Church in Egypt. Also, pray for the salvation of key Islamic militants.

South Sudan

A court in Sudan has ruled that government authorities must return land and property confiscated from an evangelical church seven months ago. International Christian Concern reports that a court in the capital Khartoum has ordered authorities to release property belonging to the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church.

The property in is in the town of Hajj Yousef and was taken from the denomination in February after the church sitting on the property was demolished because the government claimed the land was public property. Church leaders say that they bought the property from a local and the church was built in 1989. "Other buildings lying in the same stretch as our church was spared during the demolishing because they belong to Muslims," the Rev. Yahiya Abdurrahman Nalu, told ICC. "It is this partial application of the rule of law that agitates us."

Nalu told ICC that the presiding judge also ordered authorities to give back confiscated Bibles, sound systems, furniture, and other church-owned items. "We see this as a great step toward justice which has remained elusive for a long time, and we hope they will deliver our items soon and in good shape," Nalu exclaimed.

The court's ruling comes as the Sudanese government has continually tried to confiscate church properties and close down churches. In 2016, the Sudanese government produced a list of about 25 churches that were to be demolished because of supposed zoning violations. According to Middle East Concern, the evangelical church in Hajj Yousef was the first church on that list. 

Open Doors reported that the Sudanese government closed down at least 20 churches during the 2018 World Watch List reporting period (Nov. 1, 2016, through Oct. 31, 2017). Along with trying to close down churches associated with the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church, the government has also targeted the Sudanese Church of Christ denomination. (Samuel Smith, CP Reporter, Aug 25, 2018)

The nation of South Sudan has been under civil war for over 22 years with the exception of few sporadic years of peace.  The recent signing of the peace agreement which was brokered by the Church, IGAD and Governments of Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Sudan is a major victory considering that organizations, including United Nations, African Union, European Union, USA, who ordinarily broker such agreements were conspicuously missing from the negotiating table.  This time around the power-sharing negotiations was brokered by Bishops and Churches in the region. There is an urgent need for the church in South Sudan to convene National Prayer, Repentance and Reconciliation process that will bring together warring communities to pray together and forgive one another seek genuine reconciliation for the healing process to take place in the Land. (Pastor Peter Kegode, IPMI Facilitator, August 25, 2018).


  1. Thank God that the court ruled in favor of the church. Pray for the government to return to the churches the properties, Bibles, sound equipment, etc., that were seized.
  2. Pray for the government to stop closing churches and allow the ones that were closed to reopen.
  3. Thank God for recent signing of a new peace agreement in Khartoum by various political parties who have been fighting for power in South Sudan.
  4. Pray for continued peace and security in South Sudan. Also, pray that all the political parties will adhere to the new peace agreement.
  5. Pray for justice, truth, and reconciliation to take place in South


According to a CNN report, munitions experts say a U.S.-made bomb was used by the Saudi-led coalition in a recent airstrike in Yemen that hit a busload of children in a marketplace, killing 51 people, including 40 children. CNN said Friday that the experts identified the bomb used in the attack from images taken of a piece of shrapnel shortly after the deadly strike. Seventy-nine people were also wounded in the strike, including 56 children.

A spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition said earlier this month the airstrike targeted Houthi rebels in the market and conformed with the international and humanitarian law.

Liz Throssell, a spokeswoman for the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights said after the August 9 airstrike that hit the bus that "any attack which directly targets civilians not directly taking part in hostilities or civilian objects amounts to a war crime." She said the perpetrators must be identified, brought to justice and held accountable no matter where, when, or by whom the violations or abuses were committed. (VOA News, August 18, 2018)



  1. Pray for God to comfort and heal the loved ones of those killed by the recent Saudi-led airstrike. Fifty-one innocent people including 40 children were killed.
  2. Pray that the persons who commit war crimes in Yemen would be brought to justice.
  3. Pray for peace to be established in Yemen. Also, pray for the complete defeat of the Houthi rebels and other Muslim extremists in Yemen.
  4. Pray for the protection and growth of the Church in Yemen.


Category 3

Movement Day Global Cities, the Persecuted Church and Other Critical Concerns of Asia

Scripture  -   Psalms 47: 1 - 9

Movement Day Global Cities


  1. Pray as Rev. Ebony Small coach’s and consults with global city leaders seeking towards the launch of Movement Day Expressions. There are 100+ interested cities!
  1. Pray for financial provision as Movement Day Oslo leader, Joakim Magnus and his team are strategizing and handling logistics for this first time gathering. Joakim Magnus is a young leader, who has a true passion for youth. Along with spearheading this Movement Day gathering he also works  with Youth with a Mission (YWAM)
  1. Pray that God will continue to guide Rev. Adam Durso and the LEAD.NYC team planning Movement Day New York City on Friday, October 26, 2018. This restructured gathering will host 400 NYC leaders to strategically plan ways to advance gospel movement in the next 3-5 years collaboratively.
  1. Prayer for Arthur Thangiah (Mumbai, India), Jeyakaran Emmanuel and Mark Visvasam (Chennai, India) as they plan Movement Day Expressions January/February 2019 respectively to advance high-level city transformation in the face of heightened religious persecution.
  1. Pray for the 386 global leaders from over 60 countries attending the 100 Cites’ Summit this November 27-29, 2018 at the Museum of the Bible. Ask God to foster divine connections, collaborative partnerships and deepen unity amongst the leaders in attendance. We desire to see an accelerated launch of Movement Day Expressions from the city/regions represented. We want to pray that God would prepare these city leaders hearts with a great expectancy for what they will receive and cause this gathering to be catalytic in the advancement of God’s Kingdom.
  1. Pray from the Movement Day Expressions team: Dr. Mac Pier, Dr. Craig Sider, Rev. Ebony Small, Mary Llewellyn, Naomi Edwards and Marya Pier as they execute all final program planning, communications, event, and lodging logistics, creating a meaningful experience for the 100 Cities and Global Marketplace Leaders’ Summit, convening nearly 800 leaders collectively, November 27-30th.
  1. Please pray for our brother and sisters in China as the church is under intense attack. These attacks are simultaneously taking place and targeting regions that previously had quite ‘peaceful’ relationships with local authorities. Henan province is now taking the hardest hit, as hundreds of churches under attack.   

The Global Persecution of Christians

New Report Details How Myanmar Military, Gov't Blocked Aid to Christians in Kachin

A new 68-page report sheds more light on how the Myanmar military and civilian government may be committing war crimes by blocking lifesaving humanitarian aid to tens of thousands displaced by violence in the Kachin state over the last seven years.  As Myanmar faces increasing international pressure over its genocidal abuses against Rohingya minorities in the Rakhine state, the new report by the human rights group Fortify Rights warns that Myanmar authorities are "weaponizing" and blocking aid in Kachin — where predominantly Christian and Catholic ethnic minorities reside.

"Consecutive governments and the military have willfully obstructed local and international aid groups, denying Kachin civilians access to aid," Fortify Rights CEO Matthew Smith said in a statement. "This may amount to a war crime, giving even more reason for the U.N. Security Council to refer Myanmar to the International Criminal Court." The report states that there are over 106,000 ethnic civilians displaced by conflicts in both the Kachin and Shan states who are now living in more than 140 displacement sites.  The report notes that the displaced population in Kachin faces lack of access to medical care and many are forced to live in shelters that are in need of repair and are too small to accommodate residents. Additionally, displaced people are exposed to cold and snowy winter conditions without having the proper bedding and warm clothing.

"Without necessary aid and assistance in camps, displaced civilians are often forced to take risky journeys, including through active armed conflict zones and across the border to China, in search of food, livelihoods, and essential items," the report reads. "The presence of the Myanmar Army and the ubiquitous use of landmines by the Myanmar Army and the KIA heightens risks for displaced civilians traveling outside displacement camps."  (Source: Christian Post, August 31, 2018)


  1. For the Myanmar military and civilian government to respond favorably to increasing international pressures over the country’s genocidal abuses against Rohingya minorities in the Rakhine state, resulting in significant improvement in human rights in keeping with international standards.
  2. For the Myanmar military and civilian government to discontinue the practice of obstructing local and international aid groups seeking to provide aid relief to 106,000 ethnic civilians displaced by conflicts in both the Kachin and Shan states who are now living in more than 140 displacement sites;
  3. For the displaced Christian population in Kachin facing lack of access to medical care and exposed to cold and snowy winter conditions without having the proper bedding and warm clothing, who without the necessary aid and assistance in camps, are often forced to take risky journeys, in search of food, livelihoods, and essential items.


Kerala: more than 1m people flee to relief camps to escape floods

More than 1 million people have fled to relief camps in the Indian state of Kerala to escape devastating monsoon floods that have killed more than 410 people, as a huge international aid operation gathered pace.

People are flocking to camps as the scale of the desolation is revealed by receding waters, and the military rescues more people each day.

The Kerala government said 1,028,000 people are now in about 3,200 relief camps across the southern state. Officials said six more bodies were found on Monday, taking the death toll to more than 410 since the monsoon started in June.

Kerala authorities say they are desperate for funds. The United Arab Emirates has promised $100m (£77m) in aid, Kerala’s chief minister, Pinarayi Vijayan, announced on Tuesday after telephone talks with UAE leaders. (Source: The Guardian,  August 21, 2018)


  1. For the success of huge international aid operation now underway to provide relief to the over 1 million people living in over 3200 relief camps across Kerala.     
  2. For the safety and protection of those involved in this massive aid operations.
  3. For God, by His sovereign grace to open the door for the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed throughout Kerala.

 North  Korea



  • What does this mean for the 300,000 Christians who are forced to keep their faith a secret?
  • What will the denuclearization and peace talks do to help expedite the release of over 50,000 Christians suffering in hard labor camps because they believe in Jesus?
  • Will we see more intellectual and religious freedom in the North in response to these peace talks with the South—and later with the U.S.?

(Reference: Adapted from an article published in The Christian Post and Open Doors)


  1. For total intellectual and religious freedom of the over 300,000 North Korean Christians that hangs in the balance and the rapid growth of the church in North Korea.
  2. For the Lord to respond to the desperate cries of the persecuted Church in North Korea, including the approximately 50,000 fellow believers serving long, harsh prisons terms in concentration camps.
  3. For the ongoing US Government’s peace settlement negotiation with North Korea to result in the advancement of religious freedom in North Korea.


Global Religious Freedom Takes Its Biggest Hit in Over a Decade

“Pew puts China as the worst country for government obstructions. The rigidly atheist Communist regime banned the online purchase of Bibles earlier this year, following efforts to raze churches and remove Christian symbols from home years prior. The Communist Party of China’s “control over religion is to be exerted not only through law but also by reconciling religious doctrine with the party’s socialist values,” wrote Brent Fulton in a 2016 analysis for CT.” (Source: Christianity Today, June 21 20128).


  1. Praise God for the survival, resilience and continued growth of the Christian community across China despite the various attempts by the Communist government to decimate the Christian faith in China.
  2. For all attempts by the Chinese Government to restrict the availability and distribution of the Bible in China to fail. 
  1. For the continued growth of the church across China to facilitate the expansion of Christianity across Asia.


Micah Global Triennial Consultation September 10 -14, 2018 in the Philippines

Overarching Theme: Integral Mission and Resilient Communities: addressing poverty, injustice, and conflict

  • Day One: Resilience and God’s Mission: our starting point is to ensure all we are doing is drawn from our call from God to participate in His Mission
  • Day Two: Resilience in the Pursuit of Justice: God’s mission is one of liberation, restoration, and reconciliation and we are called to demonstrate this and disciple our nations towards it What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God – Micah 6:8
  • Day Three: Resilience in Compassion: in God’s story throughout the Bible we see Him, again and again, rescuing, restoring and healing
  • Day Four: Resilience in Disaster Responses: building capacity of communities and responders to stand through the shocks that come through political, economic, environmental, social and spiritual instability · Day Five: Resilience in Partnership: the task requires a united effort, the call requires a united spirit and the desired impact requires solidarity.

(Adopted from  IPMI is a member of Micah Global. For more about the organization visit their website)


  1. For safe travels security and safety in the Philippines.for all the attendees and staff
  2. For a powerful and meaningful time of learning God's direction as we discuss resilience in addressing poverty, injustice, and conflict.


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